Stephen Flowers aka Edred Thorsson's Appearance on Racist TV Network
Saturday, Men no doubt following Alt-Right networks descended on Charlottesville NC chanting "Blood and Soil" a phrase from the Racist Asatru community. See more about the Wotan Network below.
In light of recent protests and literal nazi's in the form of the alt-right marching down the streets with torches, I must report on something that happened a year ago. As of a couple of hours ago Red Ice, TV has been hacked and the membership of Red Ice TV has been threatened to be leaked. I don't know if Edred is on it, but I'm excited to see who will be revealed as a member of this site.
According to this article published by Jacobin, Red Ice TV is hailed as the “CNN of the alt-right” and run by Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren. The two express not just anti-feminist sentiments but also anti-suffrage sentiments as well. A good portion of their fans and engagers are pro-fascist leaning, anti-semitic, and white supremacist. In February, while hosting my own Indo-European festival in the Texas Hill Country, I got banned from being Stephen Flower's facebook friend when I commented that you can easily find racists when you ask in a crowd why white's don't we have a history month.
I firmly believe white is a modern construct and true indo-european ideals center around the gods and the philosophical myths. We're not automatons, we can choose to bring only the best most humanizing aspects of our faith forward, in a pluralistic, wholesome manner for all of those in humanity who are interested to practice.
Regardless of a person's color, acculturation to indo-european practices and religion means they are pagan, heathen, gentlídecht, or whatever. It's as simple as that. Skin color, genetics, and ethnic heritage are three separate qualities white nationalists conflate along with culture. And they don't account for scenarios like the Black Irish. No not those Black Irish, the diasporic kin in the caribbean:
Regardless of a person's color, acculturation to indo-european practices and religion means they are pagan, heathen, gentlídecht, or whatever. It's as simple as that. Skin color, genetics, and ethnic heritage are three separate qualities white nationalists conflate along with culture. And they don't account for scenarios like the Black Irish. No not those Black Irish, the diasporic kin in the caribbean:
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Proud to be Irish: Members of Montserrat's London community celebrate during last year’s St Patrick's Day parade Credit: |
He refers to people with common courtesy as the PC cult, as if that can be considered an offense. You can decide if his choice to appear on the show means anything to you at all and weather you consume his ideas. But I've decided, from his facebook activity and his appearance on a show run by these folks, that he doesn't care who supports him. These folks who believe immigration is "White Genocide" is as ridiculous to me as a Christian telling me that gay marriage persecutes them. The hosts of this show are completely anti-feminist and anti-indo-european.
Here is the video itself:
Video IQ estimates a income of $1,715.95 as of the date of this publication from ad revenue. That's not counting their membership only revenue. It estimates that this video above generated only $26 of revenue for the channel. Just google them and check out their videos if you want to vomit in your mouth.
Stephen McNallen Red Ice Video
My take away from this was: so basically a network of terrorist propaganda cells.
I can't help but wonder if this network, launched only a short while, has spread McNallen's message "Blood and Soil" to these Nazi protesters right here. If so, I foresee paganism receiving a surge of racist heathens. To be clear, that is not a good thing.
Red TV Youtube Channel Tags:
- Red Ice TV
- War on Whites
- White Genocide
- Migration
- Population Replacements
- Immigration
- Refugees
- Migrant Crisis
- Migrants Europe
- Muslims Europe
- Islam Europe
- From the Horses Mouth
- Barbara Spectre
- Noel Ignatiev
- Joe Biden
- Tim Kaine
- Gregor Gysi
- Anetta Kahane
I don't have much to say on how to fix the national crisis of there being too many racists, but I can say, lets start by not supporting those who appear on racist television. All I can say is use your voice, amplify this message, and do not support pagan authors who are willing to gain these types of fans.
What Indo-European Religion IS About
Indo-European paganism is about the love and preservation of the culture, plain and simple. Indo-European Folk Magic, Mysticism, and Religion aren't at all about your skin colors. We honor and celebrate pure forms and a myriad of syncretisms that don't cause erasure in oppressed peoples, and none of them care about skin color. Full stop. It isn't about anything else.
Shun their works, shun their art, shun their skill. Folks who support these movements ought to suffer an honor death among the living who love the Gods.
Shun their works, shun their art, shun their skill. Folks who support these movements ought to suffer an honor death among the living who love the Gods.